Monday, November 2, 2009

bp5_post_20091102_Web 2.0 Tools to Use: edu.glogster

Well, if you have tried glogster and want to use it in your classroom, now is your chance. Take a look at the newest educational support that provides a great creative as well as interactive tool.

Student accounts can be created (up to 200) and you can monitor the accounts. Best of all, while our district has filtered out Glogster, the edu.Glogster is available. It is a super easy way to develop a unit plan or even a skills test. I am developing one for my Computer Apps class that will help them with their career planning, resume building, and personal statement. While the information is a little dry, this should keep the interest and motivation going. It will have information areas, skill challenges, questions with responses, you get the idea.

There are several good tutorials linked to the site that will walk you through a step by step process but also help you do some additional things like add this to your blog or wiki. If you have a blog or wiki for the class then you can integrate several different ones by sharing the different url's that are created for each Glogster you create. Our district recently purchased Discovery/Education and the media from their site drops in beautifully. I think this is one of the tools that should make it into every classroom.
Ready to try your own? Go to and sign up.

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