Sunday, November 1, 2009

bp3_post_20091101_Google Reader

As a part of getting my iGoogle set up it was also necessary to set up my Google Reader account. The idea behind the Google Reader is simple, I choose what I want to follow, when new posts are made they come into my reader for me to read or watch.

I included several RSS feeds, five were required for the set up of my page, but I found that there were several other feeds that I wanted to follow. I have chosen 21st century learning, Ted (both the video feed and blogs), Educause, as well as Dilbert. I am also following the CSTA (Computer Science Teachers Association). The reasoning behind most if fairly obvious, I am an educator that is interested in the integration of media and 21st century learning. The comic is for me, I think it is important to have a moment of laughter each and every day.

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