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Monday, November 2, 2009
BP4 20091102 - Researching and Blogging about Web 2.0 Tools

Researching and Blogging about Web 2.0 Tools
So I decided to research the Web 2.0 tool "Yaca Paca!" This is basically a course management system. It is entirely free, and allows you to form your own lessons and quizzes.
Here is the marketing copy from their website.
"Create quizzes, surveys, tests, eportfolios and more
Discover modify and share assessments
Set work for the whole class with a few mouseclicks
Mark automatically
Analyse with tools that improve your teaching"
I was very impressed at the ease of use for this site. I was able to create a quiz in mere moments as well as build a lesson for my class. I am very excited to see what my students think of the site and the lessons/quizzes.
This looks like a very inclusive course management system and the price fits my "college student" budget. The user-friendly interface allows an instructor with minimal experience in media and technology to quickly feel more at ease. I am surprised that there are not more educators taking advantage of the tool. Great tool! -
I was extremely interested in the courses and content from other countries, I was really excited when I actually found some things for Computer Science. A great site that needs some more play time before I commit. But it looks good, another course management tool that you might want to check out is Moodle.
I was interested in this tool when I began to research what it offered to the teachers. I thought it would be helpful to those who were teaching the various subjects. I found some of the tools to be useful to me which I may try to use in the future.